
Successfull projects say more that a thousand words. Here is a list of completed and current projects:

Prof. Dr. Susanne Edinger

Prof. Dr. Susanne Edinger is a college professor at the SRH Heidelberg and trained systemic coach. Due to her long-standing experience in teaching she understands the needs of pupils and students. Prof. Edinger helps them deal with exam nerves, learn effectively and in a motivated way, and set personal goals. developed a concept combining elements of both marketing and PR to position Prof. Edinger in the best possible way in the field of education and coaching.

Cochlea Implantat SHG Rheinland-Pfalz

Deafness is not visible. Thus, affected people are often confronted with difficult situations, especially in everyday social interaction. The Cochlea Implantat SHG (self- help group) Rheinland-Pfalz helps people with hearing problems deal with the challenges hearing impairment poses. assisted in organizing a patient seminar, informing the public about hearing impairment and the possibilities of cochlea implants.

Augusta Beauty Clinic

The experienced physicians at the Augusta Beauty Clinic are specialists in the field of plastic-aesthetic surgery and aesthetic intimate surgery. developed a comprehensive marketing concept including the whole width of measures that marketing communication has to offer.

Diakonissenkrankenhaus Mannheim

The Diakonissenkrankenhaus is a renowned hospital in Mannheim. It offers a broad variety of high quality medical services. supported the clinic in developing its corporate design, created comprehensive information material and was responsable for the communication with physicians and practices.

Operieren in Afrika e.V.

"Operieren in Afrika e.V." is a charitable association that has for years now been involved in improving the health care situation in Burkina Faso (Western Africa). developed a new design and supported "Operieren in Afrika" in generating necessary financial means.